Ashen Blade

The Knights of the Ashen Blade: without a doubt, one of the harshest battalions — founded nonetheless in the spirit of redemption. Once a member of a less-than-completely friendly faction? Couldn’t help but contribute a few black blotches to /r/place? Don’t worry. Our ranks comprise former Swarm, Shade, Destructionists, Void — whichever worryingly titled online nerd-faction you can imagine. We do forgive and we’re often fairly forgetful.

Perhaps though, you’re simply looking for something different, without all the fuss about rank and hierarchy. Maybe the rigid lore of all these other battalions is too much — maybe nowhere else fits? We now accept anyone and everyone, and there truly (really!) are some advantages to the repurposed holding cell. OUR cells, unlike anywhere else, foster an enjoyably oppressive atmosphere, for those who can appreciate it; in this environment, we painfully and painstakingly slap, glue and sorely rivet together our very own trustworthy core of dependable Knights, based in any time-zone, any place in the world. A brotherhood born of sweat, blood, and tears – but mostly tears.

We understand that the Knights, altogether, can be a major time commitment each April. The Ashen Blade will take you no matter your level of commitment, however much your free time extends. While we’ve always received more orders than honours, we offer another path. We welcome your hails and will never turn away an eager recruit with the desire to see a different side of the April Knights.