April in August

!Hail and welcome, we are excited to announce to our community the first April Knights Blog!
This blog is the result of a collaborative effort from our First Builder and other amazing team members on discord and we are all really proud to be delivering it to you now! We hope to serve you in the best way possible by bringing you news and updates about everything April related.
Additionally, in future posts we will have an upcoming events calendar to let you know when to come online to join us in fun, friendship, and fealty.
Hah, just kidding about that last part! We do want to encourage year-round participation in our group though, so here are some of the things that we do in our discord and some of the things we will be informing our users about in this blog!

The Council
Our Upper and Lower Councils are working hard with our Grandmaster to ensure that processes within the Knights are enhanced and documented. This allows us to continue developing our order to make it not only worthwhile and fun to be a part of, but also to help us maintain our fierce and competitive edge during events!
The Council oversees all aspects of the Order, from the laws and rules governing us, to each division in the Knights (Builders, Rangers, Inquisitors, Mages, etc.), to each battalion and the Commanders who oversee them. Every Commander is a member of the Lower Council or the Upper Council.
You can see all of the Councils proposed acts, current laws, and our constitution under the Law rooms.
You can catch the Council in action in #Conclave, where the council discusses current bills and hold votes. They aren’t always in session, but when they are it’s a hoot to watch. Bring your popcorn-and your questions!

The Builders
Led by none other than our First Builder Nicolai himself, the builders boast all sorts of creative ways to get our users involved and mingling with each other.
We hold Game Knight, where users poll which video games they play and what nights are available for each. The event handlers then take the most common games listed and the most widely available night and host community game night!

Our Archmage LadyVulcan hosts #puzzling on behalf of the builders where she and others bring up all kinds of puzzles, riddles, ARGs, and brain teasers that test our thinking strategies. Explore your knack for both competitive challenges and teamwork initiatives. There is always a mystery to be solved with her at the helm, just don’t forget your spoiler tags!
Builders not only host our public events, they also run the recruiting ops. That’s right! They work hard to not only create content we all enjoy, but to also help bring more people into the April Knights. They work diligently with Commanders to help find the right battalion for new recruits.

If you are interested in what more the builders have to offer or you have an idea yourself head on over and check us out, you can even request the builder role by submitting an application to Nic. You can find builder applications (and others!) in our #jobs channel.

Additional Things You’ll Read About
- Any words from the Grandmaster or any other division leader
- Spotlights for knights who have done something awesome
- Comic strips and art centered around April Events and discord
- Quizzes and surveys
- Short stories and histories from Aprils long past
- Interviews- possibly even from other alliances!
- Whatever else I feel like!

This Website
And where else to host our cool new blog than on our Official(ly still under development!) website, hosted by our Grandmaster, Gryph667!? Thanks Grandmaster!
This is actually a brilliant place to host our blog. Please, please use this opportunity to make an account on this site up top! We will be using this website for more and more things in the future, so it’s good to start to become familiar with it now. It also gives us an opportunity to work out those kinks in user permissions on the site, haha!

Current Events
Build-a-Bot Discord Hackathon
Lady Vulcan runs the Arcanaeum where currently we are engaged in a discord bot hackathon! All participants have until the 11th of August to sign up for the event and until the 25th of August to create a unique discord bot. Description is in #Announcements. Additionally, if you’re interested in learning how to make simple code, or help develop tools we can use for discord and events, check it out over on our discord, where you can request the mage role!
Ongoing Reddit July Arg!
Reddit admins have promised those of us active during Sequence another event to play in. Youngluck fulfilled that promise in June by giving us a taste of a new and exciting augmented reality game.
Now we are back for more! Youngluck started the second part of the event in very late July and we are in a collaborative effort with others on discord to solve the Arg. Right now the event is having an intermission, so it’s the perfect opportunity for you to catch up on it and join in!
We don’t know yet when it will resume, but it will be soon. Don’t miss your chance to solve this unfolding mystery/adventure!
April Knights Art Contest
The April Knights art contest just concluded with a vote for best entry and the results are in. Congratulations to LokiOfAsgard whose shield and banner took 1st place, and a big shout out to all of our other contestants and their fantastic submissions, whose artwork is featured throughout this post!

Winner of the April Knight art contest
Before I close our first blog, let me say that we need your help. We want this blog to be valuable to you, and with your feedback and suggestions we aim to improve with each issue. So please, tell us what you think, what we can do better and what you’d like to see. Drop a comment below, on Reddit, on discord, or all three!
-Agent Star Fox